Korea whistleblowers / Afghanistan centre / Bhutan loss
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INFO: Korea defense ministry to protect whistleblowers. The Ministry of National Defense plans to introduce an anonymous corruption report system next month aimed at better protection for whistleblowers.
Jun Ji-hye/The Korea Times: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2016/06/116_208206.html
INFO: Afghanistan anti-corruption centre established with UN support. To tackle high-level corruption in Afghanistan, President Ashraf Ghani signed a decree establishing an independent, national Anti-Corruption Justice that includes specialized police, prosecution units, and courts designed to be independent from political and other pressures in detecting, investigating, and prosecuting corruption.
United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan: https://unama.unmissions.org/afghan-anti-corruption-centre-established-un-support
INFO: Bhutan audit agency says equivalent of $US800,000 lost to fraud, corruption, and embezzlement. Bhutan's Royal Audit Authority (RAA) reported that the government lost almost Nu 54-M (US$800,000) in 2015 due to fraud, corruption, and embezzlement, pointing out that the absence of proper mechanisms to ensure the integrity of public officials contributed to the loss.
Kuensel: http://www.kuenselonline.com/nu-54m-lost-to-fraud-corruption-and-embezzlement-raa/
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INFO: Korea defense ministry to protect whistleblowers. The Ministry of National Defense plans to introduce an anonymous corruption report system next month aimed at better protection for whistleblowers.
Jun Ji-hye/The Korea Times: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2016/06/116_208206.html
INFO: Afghanistan anti-corruption centre established with UN support. To tackle high-level corruption in Afghanistan, President Ashraf Ghani signed a decree establishing an independent, national Anti-Corruption Justice that includes specialized police, prosecution units, and courts designed to be independent from political and other pressures in detecting, investigating, and prosecuting corruption.
United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan: https://unama.unmissions.org/afghan-anti-corruption-centre-established-un-support
INFO: Bhutan audit agency says equivalent of $US800,000 lost to fraud, corruption, and embezzlement. Bhutan's Royal Audit Authority (RAA) reported that the government lost almost Nu 54-M (US$800,000) in 2015 due to fraud, corruption, and embezzlement, pointing out that the absence of proper mechanisms to ensure the integrity of public officials contributed to the loss.
Kuensel: http://www.kuenselonline.com/nu-54m-lost-to-fraud-corruption-and-embezzlement-raa/