Japan priority / Iran judiciary / Lending basis

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INFO: Japan must make fighting international bribery a priority.  The OECD Working Group on Bribery in International Transactions has continuously urged Japan since 2002 to strengthen its efforts to fight bribery by Japanese companies in their foreign business activities, and implementation of the Convention on Combating the Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions.

OECD: http://www.oecd.org/newsroom/japan-must-make-fighting-international-bribery-a-priority.htm?src=ilaw

INFO: Khamenei admits corruption in Iran’s judiciary amid political bickering.  Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei called for eradicating corruption in the judiciary, following tongue-lashing between his senior assistant Ali Akbar Natiq Nouri and Judiciary Chief Sadeq Larijani over the exorbitant salary scandal.

Adil Alsalmi/Asharq Al-Awsat: http://english.aawsat.com/2016/07/article55353679/khamenei-admits-corruption-irans-judiciary-amid-political-bickering

COMMENTARY; Innovative or Ineffective? - Performance-Based Lending as an Anticorruption Tool.  "[The Millennium Challenge Corporation or MCC has used performance-based lending] to award over $10 billion in grants to nearly 40 countries over the past 12 years. Is the MCC approach a good one? Many critics say no. I say yes. Although it is a strategy that is still evolving, performance-based lending—including the corruption control 'hard hurdle'—is not only innovative and effective, but important."

Elizabeth Loftus/Global Anticorruption Blog: https://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2016/07/01/innovative-or-ineffective-performance-based-lending-as-an-anticorruption-tool/

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