India / USAID / Cambodia
INFO: In India, tech-savvy young more likely to lodge bribery complaints
Senior officers of the Maharashtra Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) said majority of the people who complained to the ACB in 2015 about being asked for a bribe by government officials were below 35 years old, indicating a direct link between facilities like mobile apps, introduced by the ACB last year, and young people approaching the ACB with complaints.
Read the story by Mohamed Thaver, in The Indian Express.
COMMENTARY: USAID and corruption
World Policy Journal recently sat down with Ken Barden, financial crime specialist and senior anticorruption and good governance advisor with the Governance and Rule of Law Team at USAID, to discuss recent trends and anti-corruption measures.
Read the interview in World Policy Blog.
PAPER AVAILABLE: Combating corruption in Cambodia
"The purpose of this paper is to provide a critical analysis and survey of Cambodia’s recent efforts to combat corruption. It explores the policy context, perceived extent of corruption, causes of corruption, anti-corruption measures, evaluates those anti-corruption measures, and provides policy recommendations. This paper reviews the literature on corruption and anti-corruption efforts in Cambodia. It relies on available data from the World Bank and Transparency International, and compares these data over time."
Access the paper by Sophal Ear, in Emerald Insight.