Southeast Asia / China / Indonesia
Facilitator's note: AP-INTACT is testing this new format, which gathers into a single email its daily posts. We would appreciate very much feedback from members. Thank you to Liviana Zorzi, UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub, for making this suggestion.
INFO: Corruption remains serious issue in Southeast Asia. "The latest Corruption Perceptions Index 2015 released by Berlin-based graft watchdog Transparency International on January 27 shows that "tea money" remains an important requirement to grease business transaction and receive public services in Southeast Asia."
Read the report by Arno Maierbrugger, in Gulf Times.
INFO: The 2015 Numbers for China’s War Against Corruption - The Tigers. "Networks, or guanxi, the cultural institution of gift giving and reciprocity, has been turned on its head in Chinese President Xi Jinping’s hunt for China’s corrupt tigers and flies among the Party establishment."
Read the report by Adam Bartley, in The Diplomat.
INFO: Observers say single antigraft body would not work in Indonesia. A proposal to make the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Indonesia's sole graft-busting agency would not help the country eradicate corruption, analysts say, adding that streamlining the efforts by all bodies currently involved would be a more appropriate solution.
Read more in Jakarta Globe.