Scotland - Global - Colombia

[Opinion] TI: Political candidates should declare donations, ministerial appointments and follow OGP principles. Scotland's new first minister should increase transparency, accountability, and integrity in how they govern, and putting open government partnership (OGP) principles to heart to maintain trust in parliament after turbulent times for the Scottish government, says Transparency UK.



2022 was a record year for crypto money laundering. According to Chainanalysis, illicit addresses transferred $23.8 billion in cryptocurrency in 2022, a 68% rise from 2021. Despite increasing scrutiny by regulators, "criminals continue to find new ways to use crypto for money laundering" says director of anti-money-laundering (AML) services.



Colombia from "partially" to "largely" compliant on several Financial Action Task Force (FATF) recommendations. Compared to the previous mutual evaluation report (MER) in 2018, Colombia has seen "important progress in relation to addressing the technical compliance deficiencies identified in its MER". The country is only partially compliant on transparency and beneficial ownership of legal persons.



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