Croatia - The Americas - Peru

European Public Prosecutors' Office (EPPO) launched 23 investigations in Croatia related to EU funds. After EPPO open offices in Croatia in 2021, investigations into cases with estimated damages of €313 million has been launched. "People who perhaps could have exerted influence thanks to their political power are no longer powerful" says former head of EPPO Croatia.



Corruption leaves fertile ground for criminal networks and human rights abuses in The Americas. According to this year's Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), 27 out of 32 countries have stagnant corruption levels. Weak and unaccountable public institutions fuels violence and insecurity. Adequate conditions for civil society and transparency in the criminal justice institutions are key elements for improvement says Transparency International (TI)



«Common Good» is the key ingredient for halting corruption in Peru. A Peruvian anti-corruption expert argues that Peru has had an "extractive" development model based on enriching oneself rather than giving back or improving people's lives. Reestablishing trust in public institutions and a cultural revolution that "makes room for solidarity and a sense of empathy" is needed he says.

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