Global - Sri Lanka - Vietnam

[Report] Message misunderstood: Why raising awareness of corruption can backfire. U4 argues that Anti-Corruption strategies almost always contain an awareness raising element. Findings in report suggest that resources spent on awareness might be wasted or do more harm than good. Primarily because it might contribute to reinforcing beliefs that the problem is too big to solve, and the study found that a variety of messages have no impact.

Christian Michelsen's Institute (CMI) U4:


[Opinion] Paper to programs: A tech-based strategy to solve the Sri Lankan economic crisis. The columnist Rumi Nagpal argues that the paper records used to store land titles and other bureaucratic systems are inefficient. The introduction of blockchain technology would a allow for land titles to be stored, linked, and transferred digitally is both more efficient, and it guarantees reduced corruption due to decentralization and data protection says author.

Daily FT:


Vietnam: New law on anti-money laundering (AML). From the beginning of this month, a new law on AML aims to implement recommendation of the FATF. The law encompasses the scope of reporting entities, new requirements regarding risk assessments, high-value transactions, and customer data management.

Global Compliance News:

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