North/South America – Global – South Africa

Summit of the Americas: Transparency International calls for rescue of Lima Anti-corruption Commitment. "This 9th Summit of the Americas marks a critical moment for the region. Governments and civil society must take joint action to reverse the trend of democratic decline and build a better future, free of corruption and guaranteeing human rights for all people of the Americas, especially our most vulnerable." 

Transparency International: 


2022 Anti-Bribery and Corruption survey results regarding blockchain and cryptocurrency. "These survey results demonstrate a certain, if gradually paced, increase in awareness about and use of the blockchain technology and its distributed security and validation features within the compliance and risk management functions of companies in the countries and regions surveyed." 



South Africa's government advisory body proposes creation of public procurement authority. "The body would be responsible for organising and managing the public procurement process and laying down the rules, regulations, guidelines and policies, enabling greater transparency and standardisation in awarding government contracts." 

Business Day: 

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