Kuwait - Europe - Global

The Kuwait Anti-Corruption Authority (Nazaha) revealed that it has received 99.5% of the financial disclosure. "(The authority) stressed the importance of financial disclosure and its essential role in preventing financial corruption, protecting public funds and strengthening oversight over everyone who assumes a public position." 

Arab Times: http://www.arabtimesonline.com/news/99-5-declare-assets-bid-to-prevent-corruption/ 


[Publication] Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO) urges European governments to increase transparency and accountability of lobbying in its annual report. "In 2021 we saw progress in the implementation of GRECO´s recommendations but improvements should be further accelerated, in particular concerning anti-corruption measures in respect of MPs and top executive functions of central governments. In addition, it is crucial that, once reforms are adopted, anti-corruption measures are fully operational and effective." 

GRECO: https://www.coe.int/en/web/greco/-/greco-urges-european-governments-to-increase-transparency-and-accountability-of-lobbying 


[Publication] Behavioural drivers of corruption facilitating illegal wildlife trade: Problem analysis and state of the field review. "Tackling the corruption enabling wildlife trafficking requires a holistic approach, one using social norms and behavioural change in complement to more traditional approaches of legalization, enforcement and penalties." 

TRAFFIC: https://www.traffic.org/publications/reports/behavioural-drivers-of-corruption-facilitating-illegal-wildlife-trade-problem-analysis-and-state-of-the-field/ 

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