India - Nigeria - Kosovo

Anti-corruption App is launched for people to curtail corruption by the Government of Andhra Pradesh, India. "Andhra Chief Minister launched the '14400' app developed by Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), dedicated for people to register corruption-related complaints against the officials in the state, and to ensure fool-proof evidence to present before the court." 

The Times of India: 


India, Pakistan and Egypt have decided to replicate Nigeria's system to tackle issues of corruption at their various ports. "Most of the measures put in place to tackle corruption at the nation's Ports are the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Port Service Support Portal (PSSP) and Nigerian Port Process Manual, (NPPM) among others." 

The Sun: 


[Opinion] Kosovo would benefit enormously from the monitoring of compliance with the standards of CoE (Council of Europe). "In mid-May, the Government of Kosovo applied for membership in the Council of Europe. … Membership in the CoE would have proven pivotal since it would've helped to improve the capacities to fight corruption by monitoring regularly their compliance with CoE anti-corruption standards" 

European Western Balkans: 

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