International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) 2022 - Uprooting corruption, defending democratic values – will be hosted by the U.S. and organized by IACC council and Transparency International. "This year's conference (6-10 December in Washington D.C.) will take place at a crucial point in history. Facilitating intelligence-sharing and game-changing partnerships, it will push anti-corruption efforts to the forefront of the global agenda and boost responses to our most pressing shared threats."
Transparency International: https://www.transparency.org/en/news/dates-2022-international-anti-corruption-conference-uprooting-corruption-defending-democratic-values
Report on the State of Effectiveness and Compliance with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Standards. "Overall, the report finds that countries have made huge progress in improving technical compliance by establishing and enacting a broad range of laws and regulations to better tackle money laundering, terrorist and proliferation financing."
FATF: https://www.fatf-gafi.org/publications/fatfgeneral/documents/effectiveness-compliance-standards.html
Launch of the Council of Europe course on INTRODUCTION TO CORRUPTION PREVENTION. "The course was developed in 2021 and is intended for anyone interested in following and understanding the basics of preventing corruption. It is suitable for "beginners" as well as for those who already have knowledge about the prevention of corruption but are curious to find new and specific perspectives."