Global - U.S. - Palestine

Transparency urged to raise COVID-19 vaccine uptake. "Surveillance systems are needed to track any adverse effects of vaccines, while non-politicized debate and transparency around data are essential to improving COVID-19 immunization rates worldwide." 

Medical Express:  


U.S.'s Cracking Down on Financial Crime: Six Issues to Watch in Thursday's House Hearing with the FinCEN Acting Director. "While the agency has made progress on some core objectives of the strategy, there is a lot more it must do to make the U.S. a less attractive destination for ill-gotten funds." 

FACT Coalition: 


Anti-Corruption Authority in Palestine submitted 82 cases of corruption to the Corruption Crimes Court. "The number of people who reported cases believed to be corruption cases increased significantly, which means that the people have become aware of the issue of corruption and became an important partner in promoting the values of integrity and transparency." 

WAFA News Agency: 

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