Youth anti-corruption funding / Bangladesh public officials accountability / Investigative journalism reward proposal

Call for Concept Notes: Anti-Corruption & Transparency Initiatives Engaging Youth in the Indo-Pacific (ACTIVE Youth) (Funding opportunity).  “NDI seeks to strengthen youth capacity to participate in and collectively act on accountability, transparency, and open government issues through its Anti-Corruption & Transparency Initiatives Engaging Youth in the Indo-Pacific (ACTIVE Youth) program. To accomplish this, NDI is looking to engage with CSOs and networks in Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka, and is calling on organizations to submit concept notes for the program. Submissions are due by July 26, 2021.

National Democratic Institute:  


ED: Holding public officials accountable for their conduct (Editorial).  “The survey, which was conducted by Drik News and carried out on a total of 94 journalists across 55 organizations, highlights a dangerous trend: Government officials [in Bangladesh] do not see themselves as public servants but rather, as powerful people who can get away with doing whatever they want, and treat the people of this country with disdain and disrespect.”

Dhaka Tribune:  


Breaking News without Breaking the Bank: Monetary Rewards for Media Organizations that Expose Corruption (Blog).  “I propose what may initially seem like a radical way to create stronger incentives for media outlets to invest in this kind of investigative journalism: When media outlets expose corruption or similar wrongdoing, and this exposure leading to monetary sanctions on the culpable entities or individuals, the media outlets responsible for the reporting ought to receive a percentage of the government’s recovery.”

Jennifer Kline/The Global Anticorruption Blog:  

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