COVID vaccination governance brief / Indonesia road project scandal / Malaysia anti-corruption future

Governance and Institutional Issues in COVID-19 Vaccination (Brief).  The purpose of this note is to summarize some of the key governance and institutional issues surrounding rapid universal vaccination, which also includes corruption. The risks  can  be  grouped  into  five  key  areas:  contracting,  physical  distribution,  vaccine integrity,  equity,  and misinformation.

World Bank:  


A road project in Indonesia’s Gorontalo carves a path of graft and grief.  “More than 1,000 families were entitled to payments for land needed to construct the Gorontalo Outer Ring Road, a national priority infrastructure project on Indonesia’s Sulawesi Island... A senior provincial official and two surveyors have been jailed in connections with corruption in the land acquisition process, while another top official is also standing trial.”

Sarjan Lahay/Mongabay:


Whither corruption in Malaysia? (Opinion).  “[Whether] it’s the Singapore model or the experience of other countries (including the ones heretofore presented), the government derives its mandate, will/resolve and strength to defeat corruption from the (support of the) people themselves. Let our leaders and administrators and law enforcers (including the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission/MACC) never forget this truth.”

Rais Hussin and Jason Loh/Malay Mail:   

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