Discrimination and corruption report / Mining, corruption and COVID-19 / Odebrecht case lessons

Double harm when corruption meets discrimination (News/Resource).  “In this first investigation into how corruption and discrimination interact, [Transparency International and Equal Rights Trust] listened to the experiences of corruption among people facing discrimination and uncovered some disturbing patterns.”

Direct link to report: https://www.transparency.org/en/publications/defying-exclusion-corruption-discrimination

Transparency International: https://www.transparency.org/en/news/double-harm-corruption-discrimination-sdgs-leave-no-one-behind  


The perfect storm? Mining, corruption and COVID-19 (Blog).  “[Transparency International’s Through the looking glass: Corruption risk in mining licensing and permitting in the pandemic era] report draws on interviews with over 80 mining sector stakeholders, and includes case studies from Canada, Indonesia, Mexico and Zambia. In this blog we profile three key themes that highlight how corruption risk in the mining industry has changed during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Tim Grice and Nicole Bieske/Devpolicy Blog: https://devpolicy.org/the-perfect-storm-mining-corruption-and-covid-19-20210706/


What the Odebrecht Case Teaches (Blog).  “International competition for infrastructure contract pays off…Odebrecht reduced the bribe it had agreed to pay the country’s president because he could not force the technical agency in charge of bidding to change the tendering documents. Whenever possible, eliminate subjective criteria for determining the winning bidder…Given the enormous opportunity for abuse when renegotiating a contract during construction, more resources should be devoted to assessing the reasons for the renegotiation and the price agreed to.”

Richard Messick/The Global Anticorruption Blog:  https://globalanticorruptionblog.com/2021/06/24/what-the-odebrecht-case-teaches/  

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