Thailand constitution amendments / Malaysia governance recommendations / Eradicating corrupt enablers

Anti-graft measures ‘must be retained’.  “Mana Nimitmongkol, secretary-general of the Anti-Corruption Organisation of Thailand (ACT), has called for rigorous anti-graft measures in the current constitution to be retained in any future charter amendments.”

Mongkol Bangprapa/Bangkok Post:


Anti-corruption committee discusses recommendations to improve governance and integrity.  “The Special Cabinet Committee on Anti-Corruption…has agreed on several recommendations to improve governance and integrity, as well as to combat graft, in [Malaysia]… "This includes making the [Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission] Report Feedback Status Monitoring and the [Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission] report as a permanent agenda in national, state or department-level Anti-Corruption Committee meetings."”

Hana Naz Harun/New Straits Times:


Three Measures to Put Corruption Enablers Out of Business (Blog).  “To create an offshore vehicle, the official will turn to someone with expertise in creating offshore entities and disguising their ownership: a lawyer, accountant or other professional who knows corporate and trust law and how to use it to hide the owner’s identity. The anticorruption community has dubbed these intermediaries “enablers,”…1. Make all enablers subject to the anti-money laundering laws…2. Make asset hiding a serious crime…3. Deny professional privilege protection to investment transations”

Richard Messick/The Global Anticorruption Blog:

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