International Anti-Corruption Conference agenda / Indonesia whistleblower student / Digitalization against corruption

Agenda for 19th International Anti-Corruption Conference now available.  “The 19th International Anti-Corruption Conference has announced its line-up of workshops, plenaries, awards and film screenings, under the theme Designing 2030: Trust, Truth and Transparency. The world’s largest independent forum for anti-corruption will be held online for the first time, free and open to all, and is hosted by the Republic of Korea from 30 November to 5 December 2020”

Transparency International:  


University student suspended after reporting rector over alleged graft.  “Semarang State University (Unnes) in Central Java has suspended a student for six months after he reported the university’s rector to the [Indonesian] Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)…claiming he had found irregularities in the university’s budget”

A Muh Ibnu Aqil/The Jakarta Post:


Digitalization against Corruption – Webinar on the Role of Data Analytics in Preventing Corruption & Fraud in Southeast Asia.  “The webinar [on Wednesday 25 November, at 14:00-17:20 (GMT+7)] aims to increase awareness about policy and operational next steps that Member States can take in order to enhance transparency through the use of data analytics.” Register via the event page below.


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