Malaysia 2021 budget / Myanmar transparency for economy / China overseas extradition

More transparency needed in budget expenditure, says Ong.  “[Malaysian] MP Ong Kian Ming has called for more transparency in the 2021 budget, stating that the record-setting RM69 billion in development expenditure included funding for unspecified projects. “For example, the allocation for ‘special projects’ under the Prime Minister’s Department has increased from RM100 million in 2020 to RM1 billion in 2021,” he said.”

Free Malaysia Today:


More value-add, transparency needed for Myanmar economy (Opinion).  “There is still some corruption left in the system and this should be reduced much further under the new government. But the flaw is the lack of standard operating procedure and transparency in the system, which encourages corruption.” U Aung Ko Ko [local economist] said”

Chan Mya Htwe/Myanmar Times:   


China’s ‘corruption’ dragnet widens worldwide.  “Amid COVID-19 pandemic, Beijing caught 799 fugitives under ‘Sky Net 2020’ operation…China’s top disciplinary watchdog Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) said Beijing established 169 extradition treaties and mutual legal assistance treaties with 81 countries as of November.”

Riyaz ul Khaliq/Anadolu Agency:   

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