Indonesia graft-prone infrastructures / Persistent corruption causes / Pakistan accountability campaign

Why infrastructure projects prone to graft (Commentary).  “President Jokowi has placed strong emphasis on developing of the economy eastern Indonesia through infrastructure, but widespread corruption is hampering these efforts.

Emilianus Yakob Sese Tolo/The Jakarta Post:


Exploring the causes of persistent corruption (Research).  “[A] crisis may prompt stakeholders to reinvigorate their efforts to monitor the institution and only invest in it when they can again trust that it is sufficiently reliable—this can curb corruption and bolster economic activity. As soon as cooperation and honesty again become commonplace, however, efforts to watch the integrity of the institution become less critical and may therefore become neglected again, thus initiating another cycle in the process.”


What Does Imran Khan’s Accountability Campaign Mean For Pakistan? (Commentary).  “While it has been argued that the ongoing arrests and accountability campaign may create political instability in the country, it’s entirely possible that Khan may end up creating history with the country’s political elite made answerable for the money they looted.”

Umair Jamal/The Diplomat:

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