UN accountability culture / Australia commission / China system launch

New UN Secretary General Commits to Culture of Accountability.  In his initial speech as the new UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres turned his attention to UN management reform and spoke of a culture of accountability, including effective protection for whistleblowers.

Bea Edwards/Government Accountability Project: https://www.whistleblower.org/blog/093227-new-un-secretary-general-commits-culture-accountability

Study finds public interest outweighs secrecy in corruption cases – but South Australia Commission won’t bend.  A national study has backed the public’s right to know about allegations before corruption commissions, which is currently banned in South Australia.

Miles Kemp/The Advertiser: http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/study-finds-public-interest-outweighs-secrecy-in-corruption-cases-but-sa-commission-wont-bend/news-story/6ee95c7a76acc3ad520300568f7553d3

China To Launch New Anti-Corruption System.  The Communist Party of China announced plans for a new anti-corruption system within the capital city of Beijing and provinces of Shanxi and Zhejiang.

Jonathan Webb/Forbes: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jwebb/2016/12/29/china-to-launch-new-anti-corruption-system/#63b439461675

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