Afghanistan strategy need / New Pakistan laws / Myanmar 2016 complaints

The US and Afghanistan Need a New, Long-Term Anticorruption Strategy (opinion).  "War lords and criminals… are mainly responsible for running the mafia-style corruption machine in Afghanistan."

Ahmad Shah Katawazai, Defense Liaison at the Embassy of Afghanistan to the United States/Global Anticorruption Blog:

New laws being framed to eliminate corruprtion in Pakistan.  The Cabinet Committee on Anti-Corruption Establishment Law Reforms constituted by the Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif has finalized its recommendations to make remedial measures and best possible legal provisions to make the Anti-Corruption Establishment more effective which will help improve conviction rate of the culprits.

Salim Ahmed/Pakistan Observer:

Myanmar Anti-corruption Commission receives over 2,600 complaints in 2016.  The complaints included judicial affairs, corruption, incorrect management and administration, farmland, land grabbing, civil cases, criminal cases, judicial procedures, misuse of funds, departmental affairs, personal affairs, and the unfair dismissal of cases.

Eleven Myanmar:

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