India cash crunch / Vietnam journalism contest / Converging approaches

Cash Crunch: How Will India’s Supreme Court Respond to Modi’s Radical Move? (opinion)  "As the Supreme Court deliberates on demonetization’s constitutionality, it should keep in mind that it is balancing multiple public interests: to check petty corruption and to limit public suffering."

Michael Maruca/Global Anticorruption Blog:

National press contest on anti-corruption 2017 announced in Vietnam.  The 2017 national press award on the fight and prevention of corruption and wastefulness has been launched by the Việt Nam Journalists’ Association (VJA) and the Việt Nam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee.

Viet Nam News:

Corporate or Individual Liability? Converging Approaches to Fighting Corruption (opinion)  "In terms of deterring corrupt acts, a broad notion of corporate criminal liability goes a long way."

Gönenç Gürkaynak, Ç. Olgu Kama, and Burcu Ergün: Global Anticorruption Blog:

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