[ap-intact] STUDY OPPORTUNITY: Free online course on anti-corruption

[Facilitator’s note: Thank you to Professor José Zalaquett, Head of the MOOC Chile Project, Diego Portales University, Chile, for sharing this information. AP-INTACT shares this information strictly as a service to members. To know more, you may click on the links below. Please do not send your query or application to AP-INTACT. AP-INTACT is not responsible for the accuracy of the posted information and is not involved in the registration and programme practices/decisions of the sponsoring organisation.]

On August 31st Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Chile (http://moocchile.com), will launch a free online course on Transparency and Anti-Corruption (see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm5KUmMx8Y4 for a promotional video about the course).

The course consists of 33 classes averaging 10-12 minutes each.  Classes are taught in Spanish by distinguished Latin American and international professors and will have Spanish, English, Chinese and Arabic subtitles. Additional course material and questions are provided at the end of each lecture. Professors will be available to answer questions and students can interact online.

This program of online courses is funded by the Ford Foundation and the Sigrid Rausing Fund. For more information, please visit the course website http://moocchile.com or its social networks http://facebook.com/moocchilecom and http://twitter.com/moocchile.

Students who complete the course will receive an online certificate issued by udemy.com, the platform that administers this method of online education.

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