[ap-intact] INFO: UNODC Global eLearning

[Facilitator’s note: Thank you to Danilo Rizzi, Programme Officer, Regional Section for South Asia, East Asia and the Pacific and Global eLearning Programme, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), for sharing this information.]

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Global eLearning programme delivers a modern form of capacity building targeting governmental officials from Member States through its online and offline platforms.

The UNODC training courses address current security and human threats such as transnational organized crime, illicit drugs, human trafficking, and smuggling of migrants, as well as issues pertaining to border and container control, forensics and laboratories, controlled deliveries, security and travel documents, intelligence, HIV/AIDS, and human rights.

The training is designed to last one hour and ensures that users acquire various levels of knowledge in line with United Nations and international standards. This eLearning platform is a secure and cost effective way to reach any official on the globe and provides additional learning contents through its online library. The modules are developed by UNODC and international substantive experts. The platform is constantly updated with new quality content for learners and trainers' needs.

The UNODC Global eLearning Programme is funded by the governments of Australia (Australian Federal Police and Department of Immigration and Border Protection), Japan, Norway, Sweden, and the United States of America.

Access UNODC’s eLearning web page at http://www.unodc.org/elearning/en/frontpage.jsp

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