[ap-intact] MONOGRAPH AVAILABLE: Hunting the Corrupt "Tigers" and "Flies" in China -- An Evaluation of Xi Jinping's Anti-Corruption Campaign

[Facilitator’s note: Thank you to Jon S.T. Quah, retired Professor of Political Science at the National University of Singapore and an anti-corruption consultant based in Singapore,for sharing this information.]

Hunting the Corrupt "Tigers" and "Flies" in China: An Evaluation of Xi Jinping's Anti-Corruption Campaign (November 2012 to March 2015)

Author: Jon S.T. Quah

In Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies. Number 1 - 2015 (220). Baltimore: Carey School of Law, University of Maryland.


"Even if President XI Jinping continues his anti-corruption campaign until the end of his ten-year term of office in November 2022, the corrupt 'tigers' and 'flies' will resume business as usual the next day as though the campaign has not occurred at all simply because the incentives and opportunities for corruption persist in China and will prove to be irresistible to them again. Indeed, without tackling the underlying causes of corruption, no anti-corruption campaign, no matter how long it lasts or how intensive it is, can minimize the systemic corruption in China." (page 96)

For more information about this monograph, including the table of contents, please visit https://www.law.umaryland.edu/programs/international/eastasia/MSCAS2015_1.html

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