Latin America – EITI - India
Report: Weak Institutions Hamper Corruption Fight in Latin America. "Efforts to combat corruption in the region are insufficient, particularly because authorities are not independent and do not have the capacity to implement existing legislation." International:
EITI makes progress on holding companies accountable, but will it work? "For over a year, EITI has struggled to hold its supporting companies responsible for their actions. Last month, it made considerable progress, but the EITI will need to follow through on ensuring its new commitments to accountability are enforced in a meaningful way."
Corruption affects happiness of 43.2 per cent Indians. "The study showed that around 43.2 per cent Indians believe corruption is rampant in government and businesses and it depresses people and this affects the evaluations used to measure happiness. The study had a sample size of 20,073 interviewees across 28 states and eight Union Territories in India."
Tribune India: