FATF - China - Vietnam
The Global Task Force That's Going After Dirty Money. "Though the body is sometimes criticized for focusing too much on formal regulation, the mere risk of ending up on the FATF's watchlist has been enough to spur some governments into action."
The Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/the-global-task-force-thats-going-after-dirty-money/2022/03/10/324a2aa4-a099-11ec-9438-255709b6cddc_story.html
Former Chinese cadre cleared of wrongdoing after taking up executive job at vaccine maker. "Yunnan's anti-corruption watchdog said Jiang Runsheng had not violated the employment rules after he left medical university and government position. Observer says decision suggests there may be some leeway to retain senior talent amid a crackdown on 'revolving door' between the public and private sector."
South China Morning Post: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3169979/former-chinese-cadre-cleared-wrongdoing-after-taking-executive?module=live&pgtype=homepage
Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) disbursement of Covid relief packages investigated. "The Public Security Ministry has asked HCMC to provide documents related to the disbursement of Covid-19 relief packages to facilitate an anti-corruption probe. The documents have to be submitted to the Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption, the ministry's Police Department for Corruption, Smuggling and Economic Crimes said Wednesday."
VN Express: https://e.vnexpress.net/news/news/hcmc-disbursement-of-covid-relief-packages-investigated-4436740.html