UNDP public procurement event / Beneficial ownership and Pandora Papers / Future of OGP and EITI
The Role of Public Procurement in Achieving the SDGs (Virtual Event). “We are pleased to invite you to the ASEAN Regional Dialogue on The Role of Public Procurement in Achieving the SDGs, which will take place on 27th and 28th October 2021…The Regional Dialogue will bring together government representatives from the region, private sector leaders and civil society representatives interested in learning more about and/or implementing the sustainable public procurement agenda via the SDGs, integrity, and value-for-money lenses.”
UNDP: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VRLV-5hMT4Cer83wZQ4gBA
Pandora Papers: Lessons for beneficial ownership transparency? (Blog). “Whilst the Pandora Papers confirm the already known problems associated with current business as usual, they also include signs of progress. It is clear that beneficial ownership information is a fundamental piece of data to aid the fight against financial crime, but much work remains to ensure data is accurate and available to those who need it.”
Open Ownership: https://www.openownership.org/blogs/pandora-papers-lessons-for-beneficial-ownership-transparency/
OGP at 10, EITI at 20: Where to next? (Blog). “[The] differences between the mandates of the two organisations offer longer-term opportunities for shared learning. The [Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative’s] private sector constituency provides a vital strand in its multi-stakeholder governance structure with growing opportunities to strengthen corporate accountability through participation in the EITI process…[Open Government Partnership’s] goal of promoting a participatory and inclusive vision of democracy offers insights for the EITI, especially in fragile states.”
Mark Robinson/Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative: https://eiti.org/blog/ogp-at-10-eiti-at-20-where-to-next