UNDP FairBiz newsletter / Open data interactive tool / Extractives industry new diagnostic
UNDP FairBiz in ASEAN Quarterly Newsletter. Check out UNDP ‘Promoting a Fair Business Environment in ASEAN’ project’s updates such as the project’s extension until March 2022; our work to promite business integrity along supply chains; CoST – the Infrastructure Transparency Initiatives’ two data disclosure portals in Thailand and Indonesia launched under the project, as well as the new collaboration with UK Government Digital Service on digital transformation in Thailand.
UNDP: https://us20.campaign-archive.com/?e=__test_email__&u=b9b75ff1921ce1ba1ffc81cad&id=284c0691f2
Roadmap to fight corruption with open data (Interactive tool). “The Roadmap to fight corruption with open data provides tools and resources to support users to identify and overcome the political, technical and logistical challenges usually faced in the co-creation and implementation of OD4AC commitments. It includes cases and examples from around the world to serve as sources of inspiration in the process of building new solutions that respond to users’ own needs. It also presents lessons learned by others in similar situations to help them identify opportunities to advance their goal, as well as red flags on potential challenges and risks to be considered.”
Global Integrity, Open Data Charter, and partners: https://fightcorruption.opendatacharter.net/
A New Tool in the Fight Against Corruption in the Extractive Industries (Blog). “NRGI released the first version of Diagnosing Corruption in the Extractive Sector: A Tool for Research and Action. By sharing this diagnostic tool, we aim to support a range of stakeholders to take evidence-based action to improve integrity in a sector highly prone to corruption.”
Alexandra Gillies, Sebastian Sahla, and Matthieu Salomon/Natural Resource Governance Institute: https://resourcegovernance.org/blog/new-tool-fight-against-corruption-extractive-industries