Olympics' possible anti-corruption legacy / Republic of Korea Samsung bribery sentence / China social media executive fired

Can the Olympics leave an anti-corruption legacy? (Blog).  “[We] may one day be able to say that a country is better governed in relation to human rights and anti-corruption because it hosted the Olympics or FIFA World Cup…[For example, an] organizing committee (the local host-city/country entity that oversees preparations) requires all third parties to adopt anti-corruption compliance and human rights due diligence, even if local law does not so require.”

Andy Spalding/The FCPA Blog: https://fcpablog.com/2021/08/09/can-the-olympics-leave-an-anti-corruption-legacy/  


Samsung boss to be freed from jail after bribery sentence.  “The billionaire boss of South Korea’s Samsung empire will be freed from jail on Friday after serving part of a 30-month sentence for bribing former South Korea president Park Geun-hye.”

Rupert Neate/The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2021/aug/09/samsung-boss-to-be-freed-from-jail-after-bribery-sentence  


Sina Weibo kicks out executive in charge of public relations for taking bribes.  “Mao Taotao, former senior public relations director at Sina Weibo, one of the most popular social media platforms in China, was fired and blocked from future employment, as he was detained by police on suspicion of accepting bribes and committing fraud, Sina said in a statement”

Global Times: https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202108/1231061.shtml    

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