India Chennai authority restructuring / Malaysia Selangor fast-track order / Nepal conflict of interest in parliament

CMDA goes in for restructuring to curb corruption.  “In what could be a massive internal restructure of the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority (CMDA), 17 officials, including three chief planners, were transferred for the first time in 10 years. Sources said the move is aimed at ensuring transparency”

The New Indian Express:  


Speed up trials on corruption cases, says Selangor Sultan.  “[In Malaysia, the] Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, has ordered the trials of corruption cases to be speeded up. He said courts should not entertain postponement of cases without solid reasons because the people were fed up and tired of seeing prosecutions being dragged on for too long.”

Free Malaysia Today:  


Conflict of interest continues unchecked in Nepal’s government, parliament.  “The discussion started after two Nepali Congress leaders who were businessmen were made federal and provincial ministers… Many called these appointments wrong as they suspected the use of influence and money. Likewise, legal experts say a conflict of interest will arise with these appointments.”

Rabindra Ghimire and Raghunath Bajagain/Online Khabar:

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