Hong Kong message / Australia-New Zealand ABC / Indonesia support

A clear message that Hong Kong will not tolerate corruption (opinion).  Former top government official and property tycoon lost their final appeals against charges of misconduct in public office, despite arguments that theirs was simply a ‘thought crime’
Rafael Hui Si-Yan, former Chief Secretary for Administration of Hong Kong and a former career civil servant/South China Morning Post: http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/2099256/clear-message-hong-kong-will-not-tolerate-corruption

The ABC of Bribery & Corruption: Deloitte 2017 Australia & New Zealand survey.  Launched 20 June 2017, the Deloitte Bribery and Corruption Survey 2017 confirms that while organisations in Australia and New Zealand appreciate the risks associated with bribery and corruption, their response is slow compared to others worldwide. 

Indonesian Professors Declare Support for KPK.  153 professors and lecturers from several universities in Indonesia agreed to support and protect the Corruption Eradication Commission from attacks -- including the House of Representative's right of inquiry -- that has targeted the anti-corruption agency.

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