Sri Lanka principles / New Zealand trusts / 2016 CPI

Sri Lanka reiterates commitment to open government principles.  The Sri Lanka government reiterated its commitment to Open Government principles when it submitted the National Action Plan of Sri Lanka to the 75-nation Open Government Partnership to its Washington based Secretariat.

1MDB-linked Malaysian financier Jho Low's private jet shines light on New Zealand's murky trusts.  "A flamboyantMalaysian financier linked to an international money-laundering probe has laid bare New Zealand's surprising appeal as a destination for the ultra-rich to park their wealth."

The 2016 CPI and the Value of Corruption Perceptions (opinion).  "In sum, while headlines that focus on short-term shifts in CPI values should be treated with extreme caution— particularly when they fail to conduct statistical inference on the differences they report— the CPI, when used correctly, is a valuable tool for policymakers, social scientists, and anyone working in the international sphere."

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