Re:[ap-intact] e-Query: Information on anti-corruption/integrity initiatives using social media

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Thank you to Jeremy Wade, Founding Director, Jindal Centre for Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship, in India, for contributing to our e-Query:
"It is great to see UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub is creating a new social media platform on these important issues. We would be happy to learn more and contribute."
I can share our Facebook page here:
We are also on Twitter: and have a blog:"

AP-INTACT shares information on corruption, integrity, and accountability on Twitter and on two blog pages:

Some other anti-corruption Twitter feeds, listed alphabetically (inclusion in this list is not necessarily an endorsement):
Accountability Lab:
Anti-Corruption Commission of Timor-Leste:
Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (Nepal):
Global Anticorruption Blog:
Global Financial Integrity:
Global Investigative Journalism Network;
Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption:
Global Partnership for Social Accountability (World Bank-supported):
Integrity Watch Afghanistan:
Lee Kuan Yew School:
Ombudsman Philippines:
Transparency International:
U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre:
United Nations Development Programme:
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime:

[Read the original e-Query below]
Dear AP-INTACT members,
UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub is looking to start a new social media platform on Facebook that deals with issues revolving around Responsive and Accountable Institutions.
Please tell us about initiatives around the region that have Facebook pages -- or on other social media platforms such as WeChat (China, Singapore), Line (Japan, Singapore), KakaoTalk (SouthKorea), Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp (Singapore), Viber, and others including blogs -- that focus on anti-corruption, judicial integrity, open government, local government, sustainable development, and overall service delivery.
By mapping different social media initiatives throughout the region we can reach out to these groups and inform them about the new UNDP project and, hence, increase visits to both our site and their sites.
This is an open-ended e-query with no deadline. Please share with us any information that is relevant to this query.
Best regards.

Jose Ibarra A. Angeles
Lead Facilitator, AP-INTACT

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