South Africa - Global - Solomon Islands

President Ramaphosa says ANC is committed to fighting corruption. "Corruption pervades all over in both the private and public sectors. It has become a national social ill which we must root out of South Africa" says Cyril Ramaphosa to the ANC national executive committee after recent sidelining of whistleblowers.


Business Live:



[Report] Corruption Perceptions Index 2022. The covid-19 pandemic, the climate crisis and growing security threats across the globe are fueling a new wave of uncertainty. In an already unstable world, countries failing to address their corruption problems worsen the effects.


Transparency International:



Solomon Islands registers minimal improvements in Corruption Perception Index (CPI). Despite the passage of important legislations, such laws have not necessarily achieved the desire outcome i.e., more arrests and/or prosecution for those who use public assets for private gain.


Solomon Times:




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