Switzerland – The Bahamas – South Africa

Green corruption – a planetary crime fought from Basel. The environmental crisis has raised the profile of green corruption (corruption or financial crime that causes harm to the environment and biodiversity) on the global agenda, as corruption has long undermined conservation efforts. 


Swissinfo: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/business/green-corruption---a-planetary-crime-fought-from-basel/48189556  


[Essay] The hidden history of the world's top offshore cryptocurrency tourist resort. The Bahamas represents how global capitalism can go very right, and very wrong, at exactly the same time. "Tax havens and offshore financial centers are a reaction to the fiscal and regulatory demands of the 20th century." 


Foreign Policy: https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/01/15/the-hidden-history-of-the-worlds-top-offshore-cryptocurrency-tourist-trap/  


Corporate taxes to feature at World Economic Forum. A pertinent issue for South Africa is the acceleration of reforms that will make it compulsory for multinationals to live up to their tax obligations. "The lack of transparency in the banking sector has allowed for multinational companies to evade tax".  


Sunday World: https://sundayworld.co.za/business/corporate-taxes-to-feature-at-davos/  

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