Global - Global - Hungary
[Online Course] "Anti-Corruption in the Context of the 2030 Agenda" developed by UNDP and UNSSC with substantive contributions from UNODC. "Starting on 24 October 2022, this 5-week online course will offer practical examples and tools to enhance transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption in key development sectors, including health, education, and climate change. Targeting development practitioners, government officials, CSOs, youth, and the private sector actors, this course will introduce the importance of aligning national development plans with anti-corruption strategies - and shed light on emerging issues, such as COVID-19 pandemic, corruption and conflict, technology and innovation, through an anti-corruption prism."
Link: Anti-Corruption in the context of the 2030 Agenda | UNSSC | United Nations System Staff College
[Blog] 5 ways to improve CSO engagement in UNCAC – and to help anti-corruption catch up with human rights. "Civil society organisations (CSOs) must be more involved in global anti-corruption processes – like the UNCAC reviews – if we are to see transparency, participation and accountability."
U4 Anti-corruption Resource Centre:
Hungary government submits first anti-graft bill to avoid losing EU funds. "The bill modifies legislation relating to Hungary's cooperation with the EU anti-fraud office (OLAF), ensuring that OLAF gets support from Hungarian tax authority officials in its investigations of EU-funded projects and gets access to data and documents on the scene."