Global - Malaysia - Nigeria

Is blockchain hitching a ride on the Covid-19 vaccination wave? "The complexity and transnational nature of pharmaceutical supply chains demand sophisticated collaborations to ensure the safe distribution of vaccines – not just a safeguarding database." 



Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and financial sector must continue to cooperate to combat corruption, financial scams. "All measures are mutually reinforcing and interconnected with each other in terms of realizing anti-corruption principles. Therefore, I suggest to include all these key measures considering the objective of this project." 

The Edge Markets: 


Poor Procurement Process fuels Corruption in Public Sector commented by Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC). "Most corrupt practices perpetrated in the public sector are conducted through the procurement process; so opening up and straightening procurement procedures is vital to promote integrity and accountability of procurements and ultimately good service delivery to our people." 


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