Malaysia government's challenge / Thailand universities assessed / Behavioral psychology podcast

Pakatan’s biggest challenge? Ending corruption and prospering Malaysians, says Anwar.  “The PKR president said one of the most “glaring” problems in the country is poverty, which is being enabled due to corrupt practices and the penchant for living lavishly that were endemic…”

Soo Wern Jun/Malay Mail:


Top-tier unis fail to impress (Editorial).  “Considering the important role universities have in fostering education for the country's future generations, [they] are supposed to champion accountability, transparency and good governance among their students. But the 2019 Integrity and Transparency Assessment (ITA) report released by the [Thailand’s] National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) has raised doubts about…public universities…which are known for their academic excellence.”

Bangkok Post:


New Podcast Episode, Featuring Shaul Shalvi (Blog/Podcast).  “Nils Köbis interviews Professor Shaul Shalvi, of the University of Amsterdam’s Center for Research in Experimental Economics and Political Decision-Making (CREED), about how experimental research in behavioral psychology can help us understand corruption, and unethical behavior more generally.”

Matthew Stephenson, Nils Köbis, and Professor Shaul Shalvi/The Global Anticorruption Blog:

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