[ap-intact] INFO: PNG premier promises political stability, corruption crackdown

Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister Peter O'Neill promised to bring stability to the revolving door of Papua New Guinea politics and to crack down on corruption as his government courts multi-billion dollar resources investments. Corruption watchdog Transparency International ranked PNG 154th out of 183 nations on its global graft index released a year ago. "We have to fight corruption. Corruption is like a cancer. If it is not detected, it simply grows and grows," O'Neill told the National Press Club in the Australian capital, Canberra. "If not reduced, it undermines our efforts to maintain political stability and social cohesion. It is also a strong deterrent to good foreign investment." A special task force -- known as Sweep -- has been investigating graft for the past year and is looking into more than 170 complaints involving around $1 billion of public funds.

Read the full story from Reuters. http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/11/28/png-corruption-idUKL4N09814Q20121128

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